Dr. Huitt and Dr. Borders are committed to providing exceptional dental care in a comfortable environment for everyone in your family. We are committed to our patients and hope to provide your family professional dental services for years to come.
Dental Services
Family Dentistry
- Dental Examinations
- Professional Dental Cleanings
- Dentistry for Children
- Dental Education
Preventative Dentistry
- Sealants
- Oral Cancer Screenings
- Fluoride Treatments
- Snore Guards
- Night Guards
- Minor Tooth Movement Cases
Cosmetic Dentistry
- Bonding
- Bridges
- Crowns
- Teeth Whitening
- Veneers
Restorative Dentistry
- Crowns
- Bonding
- Bridges
- Implants
- Root Canals
- Dentures
- Partial Dentures

Huitt & Borders Family Dentistry
(704) 487-8931
222 N Lafayette St.
Suite 13
Shelby, NC 28150
Suite 13
Shelby, NC 28150
Mon – Thur: 8:00am-5:00pm
Office closed 1-2pm for lunch
Office closed 1-2pm for lunch